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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Homemade Stain Fighting Relief!

So...this isn't my big first household tip post like I intended (that will hopefully come out tomorrow or Saturday), but I just had to share this little "tried and true" tidbit.  My son feeds himself, which is a huge mess!  No matter which kind of bib I buy, it's not big enough, thick enough, what have you.  So unless I strip him down at every meal time, he tends to get messy!  I read a ridiculous amount of parenting magazines as well as parenting websites and forums, and have pretty much since Eoin's conception.  Due to this fact, I'm not quite sure where this tip came from, but I would really like to say either Parents Magazine or Parenting The Early Years Magazine.  In our household, we don't have a washer/dryer.  Therefore, once a week our wash gets done.  Because of this, as soon as a potential stain appears, I need to get it out immediately!  Well, one of the frequently read parenting magazines previously mentioned, had the ultimate stain fighting solution...

Get a spray bottle and fill it with an entire bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide, seriously like the cheapest thing ever!  Add to it a couple of tablespoons of Dawn.  Let it sit overnight, until the blue completely dissolves.  Spray onto any stains as soon as you see them, let the spray sit, and then repeat if necessary.  Just be careful about spraying on colors, dark colors to be exact.  I have sprayed on light blues and red patterned, and nothing has happened, but I would NOT use on blacks or navy blues.  This morning I sprayed it on a stain, and when I just checked now, it was gone, hence why I felt the urgency to share this information!  I honestly wish I knew this little tip when my son was still a newborn, it would have helped save a few onesies and outfits!  I have not yet met a stain that this glorious solution can't get rid of!  If you have other homemade stain fighting solutions, please feel free to share them below!

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Why this blog exists

Why this blog exists
Me and my favorite little helper in the kitchen!