My inspiration for this blog!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Savory Brussels Sprouts

I like to cook in bulk.  If I cook 3 days a week, I love for those meals to last 2 days each, so we still get home-cooked goodness without me having to cook.  I don't like to come home from work, get Eoin settled, and then cook dinner.  There are not enough hours in the day for that!  I decided today to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and cook tonight's dinner and Thursday/Friday's dinner while Eoin was napping.  Unfortunately, my plan didn't pan out the way I would have liked.  My stove decided it didn't want to light!  So my Dad, the wonderful man that he is :), came over and took a look at it.  When we first moved in, my landlord had told us that if the stove wasn't working, she would buy us a new one.  My Dad did get it to work enough that I could make dinner, but it does look like a new stove is in our near future! :)  This greatly excites me, as if you know me, you know how much I LOVE to cook.  Hence the blog!  I did get to make both dinners, cooked around Eoin's afternoon playtime.  I really don't like to be really busy while he's up, I'd rather be spending my time with him.  For tonight's dinner, I made Chicken Nuggets (akaChicken Fingers modified), with BOXED mac n cheese (:::gasp:::), and this recipe for brussels sprouts.  I only started eating brussels sprouts about 3 or 4 years ago and the only way I knew how to cook them was steam them and season them with salt, pepper and lemon juice.  Since I am currently on a mission to introduce new foods to Eoin, I figured this was worth a shot.  It's different from our mundane sides of spinach, peas, corn, string beans, and broccoli.  This is another one from Taste of Home: Comfort Food Diet Cookbook.  Bill tried them and said they were O.K.  For the record, he HATES vegetables, and has never had brussels sprouts before.  And Eoin wasn't a huge fan.  But I once read that babies need to try somethings roughly 20 times before they can really have a preference for a food.  I, on the other hand, loved them.  The sauce was perfectly tangy!  I will definitely make this dish again, and hopefully I'll have more success the second time around.

Yields 4 Servings

  • 1 lb of fresh brussels sprouts (you can also use frozen brussels sprouts)
  • 1/2 cup fat-free plain yogurt
  • 1 TBS reduced-fat mayonnaise
  • 1-1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 1/4 tsp celery seed
  1. Cut an "X" in the core of each brussels sprout.  Place in a steamer basket (if you don't have a steamer basket, but you have a metal colander, you can use that instead); place in a large saucepan over 1 in. of water.  Bring to a boil; cover and steam for 8-11 minutes or until tender.
  2. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, combine the yogurt, mayonnaise, mustard and celery seed.  Cook and stir just until heated through.  Serve with brussels sprouts.  (I mixed the brussels sprouts into the sauce to get them all coated)

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Why this blog exists

Why this blog exists
Me and my favorite little helper in the kitchen!