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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Support Your Local Farmer's Market!

Becoming a Mom has changed me in so many ways.  I would cook before, but not nearly as often, and not nearly as healthy.  I always liked to cook, but it wasn't a necessity.  Now, of course that's changed!  My boyfriend may be the provider of this family, but I'm the nurturer. 
I am very particular of what goes into our bodies on a daily basis.  I do not buy strictly organic, I'll admit it.  There are not the same health regulations for organic products for one.  How am I to know that it really is organic?  The only surefire way to know that anything is truly organic, and not buying into all the hype is to grow it yourself.  I would LOVE to do this, but we live in an upstairs apartment, and besides my landlord has a vastly flourishing vegetable garden outside already.  So instead of wasting my money in the grocery store because a sticker tells me to, I opt for freshness. 
I usually go to the fruit store around the block from me to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.  The produce is fresher than the supermarket, and the prices are usually lower.  From time to time I will still go there, as Eoin LOVES his fruit, but a Farmer's Market has recently opened in my neighborhood. 
Although a little more expensive than the fruit store, the produce is super fresh and locally grown.  Last week I went and the carrots were fat and humongous and the tomatoes were damn near the size of my head!  Whether you opt to go organic or not, supporting our local farmers is a great cause. 
When you go into the supermarket, your oranges aren't from Florida but rather Mexico.  Most of what you buy isn't grown in the U.S.  I feel when I buy from the Farmer's Market, I am getting the freshest product available and it is being grown in the area.  With the way our economy has been going, I'd rather support our local suppliers! 

Not my picture, but beautiful nonetheless!
Last year, we went to the Long Beach Farmer's Market for the first time.  We went in October, so I'm not sure if there was something special going on that particular weekend, but they had a lot of vendors and live music!  It really was a great experience!  I got the largest bunches of leeks for my Potato and Leek soup that I had ever seen! 
The Elmont Farmer's Market has about 7 tents.  They have organic juices (Eoin loves the apricot juice), fruits, vegetables, fresh pasta and Italian specialties, and organic bread, pastries and desserts (every time I go, Eoin gets a plain croissant so I can do my shopping in peace).  From my personal experience, I highly recommend getting peaches there.  They are incredibly juicy and delicious!  I have also gotten two breads so far, both fantastic.  I got a 9 mixed grain bread, which even Bill liked!  I also got an olive chiabatta, which was also great!  The next time I go back, I think I'm going to try some fresh ravioli and tomatoes for a tomato salad! 
For a listing of Long Island Farmer's Markets, click on one of the links below:
New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets  This one gives you a listing all throughout New York State, excellent!

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Why this blog exists
Me and my favorite little helper in the kitchen!